Jeudi 9 octobre
Escale St Michel
Kintet followed by Untitled Party, version 1.0
by Francis cossu
For the fourth edition of the International Festival of Film of Aubagne, Bertrand Daurat, a type-setter and musician, and Gérard Giachi, a plastics technician-programmer, propose one evening-performance during which images and music are involved in a singular dialogue. What's the program? Kintet, a concert for cords and video and Untitled Party, version 1.0.0, a cyber electro evening.
TPS WITH CORDS. "Each voice has its instrument" such is Bertrand Daurat's creed. He is a type-setter and musician, and the founder of the Kintet group, a contemporary formation for violin, viola, violoncello and double bass with the particular stamp born from the meeting of modern and traditional sonorities. In the form of modal proposals, Bertrand Daurat's writing gives to each musician a privileged access to improvisation. Confronting traditional and avant-gardists environments , Bertrand Daurat's compositions deliver yokes of orthodox jazz and make a broad place to improvisation. For this new rendez-vous, Bertrand Daurat has decided to form a quintet of a new kind, made up of four cords and one... plastics technician-performer, Gérard Giachi. "I asked Gérard since he is an artist For this project, he does not intervene in addition to the music. He belongs to the whole as well as a violonist And its images are sounds! explains Bertrand Daurat. With this project, Gérard Giachi has a quite particular partition: a TV program. Provided with a computer, the plastics technician-programmer will seek on the satellite network TV images that he will remix and project on video screen, on live. Another vision of the music.
ON LIVE, IN A FULL SENSE. Everybody knows Gérard Giachi's taste for the festival. Last year, during the third edition of the International Festival of Film of Aubagne, he was the Master of ceremonies of a very special evening. He mixed, on live, images on the rhythm of techno music, immersing spectators in a flow of images and sounds in order to invite them to build their own festival within a total festival. This year, the plastics technician-performer is erased but has not disappear! Gérard Giachi decided to invite Net surfers for an electronic evening of another type. For that, at the beginning of the concert, on a site as specific as transitory, he leaves at the disposal of cyber-spectators a programme of mixed images. During this concert which will be filmed on live, they will be able to work out and handle video sequences which will be diffused on the festival, on line. On live, in a full sense. |